Friday, February 17, 2012

Where the Goose Calls

I have thought about blogging for years now. But, I've always stopped and put it off. Well, today is the day. Today is the day for my very first blog post. Now, what should I write?

I chose the name "Wild Goose Beckons" from a song my dad sang to me as a child. Recently, as I have studied Celtic Christianity, I have come to understand the Wild Goose as symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I love that idea! The wild goose is such a wonderful bird to see in flight, especially flying together as a flock in V formation. On a beautiful clear day, the V of the geese stands out in glory against the blue sky. I want to join that V and fly away with the wild goose! I want to go wherever God may lead me.

We see lots of those birds here in Ohio. And, I love to hear their call beckoning one another on as they fly south for winter only to return again in spring. The call of the wild goose has led me to many different homes in this great country of ours. I grew up in eastern NC. The call from God led me first to Fort Worth, TX for seminary. From there, God called me to Bowling Green, KY. Then, that crazy goose called my husband to return to school for a PhD. So off we went to Richmond, VA. I'm not exactly sure that call was for me to move there. Those three years were pretty tough on me. So, we listened again only to hear the goose beckoning us to move north, to northeast Ohio. It's quite different up here in the north, where Canada appears on our weather maps. But, so far, it's been amazing. God has opened my eyes to new ways of being in ministry and relationship with others. Nowhere has ever felt like HOME as much as this church and this town. It really is amazing the way God works in our lives.

Learning to hear the beckoning call of the Wild Goose is a huge part of my spiritual life. It requires patience, trust, faith, and love. My heart and ears are open. I am open to learning from and following the beckoning call of the Wild Goose.


  1. Oh how I need to learn this! I look forward to following along as you bring me deeper into the journey of faith with you.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful comments! I appreciate your affirmations. Thanks for journeying with me.
