Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 4 - A Memorable Date in My Personal History

June 4 - Every year when this date rolls around, a ton of memories flood my mind and I have to take a few moments to center myself. This year, this date marks several major anniversaries.

1. Today is the 21st birthday of my oldest niece. On June 4, 1992, my beautiful, brilliant, and superstar golf playing niece, Paige, came into this world. She's the one who made me an aunt. I'll never forget how my mom and I quickly grabbed a few things and jumped in the car for a 2.5 hour drive to be there the moment she was born. It was such a joyful, yet fear-filled time as she was born a little early. After a little bit of time in NICU, she came home with my sister and brother-in-law. It has been a joy to watch her grow from that tiny baby into the wonderful young woman she is today. She truly is a blessing to me, just like all of my nieces and nephews. They have added much joy to my life. And, I thank God for each of them. So, today I wish Paige a very happy birthday!

2. Today is also my niece Jessie's birthday. She belongs to one of my brothers. I was counseling camp in Texas when she was born so I was not there for her birth. I'll never forget getting the call from my mom with the news of her birth. It was a wonderful moment that I soon shared with all of the campers and staff at Lake Brownwood, TX. Jessie is also brilliant and adorable. She, too, is a blessing.

3. And, finally, today is the 20th anniversary of my high school graduation. I believe June 4, 1993 is a date that all Pitt County, NC, high school graduates remember vividly. Ours were the last high school graduations in the county that were held outside. That's because our outdoor ceremonies were interrupted by a severe thunderstorm that had tornadic qualities. All 5 high schools throughout the county had their ceremonies end in chaos. I will never forget sitting on the football field and seeing the salutatorian's eyes grow big as he saw the storm coming up behind us. The principal jumped up and told us all to evacuate. After that, it was pure chaos!

My parents, who were sitting not too far away from me in the parents' section, grabbed me, rushed me to the car, and drove home frantically. Most of the rest of my class went inside the school. Eventually, they held an abbreviated graduation ceremony in the gym with my classmates sitting on the floor. I've seen video footage of it. But, I missed receiving my diploma with the rest of my class because I was at home, a wet miserable mess!

Our principal, Mr. Baldree, had threatened us during our graduation practice that if we should choose to misbehave we could receive our diploma in a private ceremony in his office. Once I learned that I had missed receiving my diploma with the rest of my class, I decided to opt for that private ceremony. So, a week or so after that disastrous evening, my family and I went to my high school for my own private ceremony. Unknown to me, someone contacted the local TV station. Because all 5 high schools had their ceremonies disrupted by this dramatic weather event, anything related to the graduation was news in my hometown. My private ceremony made the 6:00 news! Somewhere in my parents' house there is a VCR tape of that interview. I haven't watched it in many years. I don't need to because the images of June 4 will always remain in my mind.

My years in high school cannot be summed up with the story of the night of my high school graduation. I have a lot of great memories of wonderful times with friends. There are memories of some difficult times, too. Like the unexpected death of my childhood friend Chris Moore at the beginning of our senior year. I will never forget his smile that always lit up his face. High school taught me a lot of lessons that applied to life, academically, emotionally, and spiritually. I am grateful for all of those lessons and for the strength they have given me throughout my life.

So, on this 20th anniversary of my CRAZY high school graduation, I say thank you to all of my teachers and to all of my classmates in the D. H. Conley Class of 1993! Happy Anniversary!

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